Saturday, 21 July 2012

Better Safe Than Sorry.

Be Prepared - Better Safe Than Sorry

First of all, lets get this straight one thing about being prepared for a zombie apocalypse or any pandemic is to be realistic. In the majority of cases there will not be massive weapons, unlimited ammo or any of that stuff you see in a movie unless you have a lots of money and very impressive survival skills. So lets keep it to the basics. 

This will be called your emergency kit, or what ever name suits you. It should be kept somewhere safe in your house and also be easily accessible. There should be enough in the kits to get you through a couple of days, until you find a zombie-free refugee camp or a natural disaster camp.  

- Water: Is the most important. (1 gallon per person/per day)

- Food: Non-perishable items that you can eat regularly. I know what your thinking, I am thinking the same...what about frozen pizzas? I don't think they would be ideal sadly...

- Sanitation and Hygiene: Nobody wants to be known as the smelly person of the group. Bring towels, soap, bleach, wipes, toilet tissue would be handy too. 

- Medication: These are ideal for a annoying person freaking out, just throw a sleeping pill in their mouth. But seriously, these are import, bring whatever you need prescription and non - prescription. Especially for people who need to take it daily. 

- Clothing and Bedding: Okay...this is one thing I don't understand when watching zombies movies. When do they change their socks and underwear? Yuck. So bring a few pairs, wearing the same pair of socks all the time can cause athletics foot, and for the same wouldn't want to know. Blankets are a must, you don't want to be getting sick. It would be the last thing you need.

- Tools and Supplies: (Knifes, Duct Tape, Battery Powered Radio, Flash Lights, Rope Maybe?)

- Weapons: Some people say you don't need them...well I say you do. It's not only zombies you should be afraid of, it is also some crazy rioters. You know there will be some. A baseball bat, Shovel. Something not short so you don't have to get close to attack. Everyone would love a chainsaw, but fuel and weight makes it hassle. 

- First Aid Supplies: If a zombie bites you, you are more than likely going to die or become one (I have to be blunt sorry :P) But it is important to have one, to treat basic cuts and lacerations from objects around you. 

Plan, Plan, Plan!!!

Once you’ve made your emergency kit, you should sit down with your family and come up with an emergency plan. This includes where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your door step. You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency.

  1. Identify the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. Besides a zombie apocalypse, this may include floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. If you are unsure contact your local Red Cross chapter for more information.
  2. Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your home…or your town evacuates because of a hurricane. Pick one place right outside your home for sudden emergencies and one place outside of your neighborhood in case you are unable to return home right away.
  3. Identify your emergency contacts. Make a list of local contacts like the police, fire department, and your local zombie response team. Also identify an out-of-state contact that you can call during an emergency to let the rest of your family know you are ok.
  4. Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won’t stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don’t have a chance! This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast.
(Plan, Plan Plan Section - Source: here)

For More Detail On Being Prepared Click here

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