Welcome to The Vicious Fiend - What are we about?
I guess you are wondering why I made this blog? I've always had a wide interest in horror, the paranormal, unusual topics, but none where all together in the one place so that's when I thought of The Vicious Fiend.
I want this blog to be a mix of anything and everything associated with horror, the paranormal, the alternative weird and wonderful lifestyles, strange and unusual stories and myths. Also including music, fashion, artwork, quotes and much much more.
I hope that you will enjoy what I post, and don't forget to leave a comment in the guestbook or chat away in the The Vicious Chat Room. A subscription to this blog by email is also an option.
Others -
I spend a lot of time on Tumblr, where I found happiness in blogging. So feel free to follow me there too. I have five blogs with different characteristics you might be interested in.
Have anything interesting?
If you have an interesting story, artwork, photography etc... Don't hesitate to contact me and tell me all about it. I'd would love to know.
Contact me here